He lives a mostly secluded life, struggling to make friends and unable to have romantic or sexual relationships. He gets some funding as a result of his disability but says it’s not enough and he relies mostly on food banks and scraps he can scavenge.Ĭabrera is also forced to keep his manhood wrapped up in bandages because he gets urinary tract infections constantly. Barcroft Media via Getty ImagesĬabrera, 54, claims he can’t kneel down or wear a uniform because none fit him comfortably.
“I cannot do anything, I cannot work, and I am disabled so I want authorities to declare me as a disabled person and give me support,” said Cabrera. Roberto Esquivel Cabrera has registered as disabled, claiming his 1.5-foot-long pride and joy makes it simply impossible to keep a job, Barcroft TV reported. A Mexican man with a prodigious penis said his member is preventing him from penetrating the job market.